Nobody likes a micromanager.
And sometimes we are that micromanager.
In a word it comes down to TRUST.
How can you train and equip your team so that you can trustthem to let them work?
It takes patience and persistence to give them the tools andtraining, so you don't have to be constantly following up with them.
In the meantime, here's a few watch points to look out for.
1. Won't seek problem solving solutions.
2. Lack of creativity and innovation.
3. Failure to react to pressing needs.
4. Less teamwork, more department siloes.
5. Lack of initiative and motivation.
Like most leadership skills, this too is a muscle whichtakes practice and the more you lean into trusting your team, the more thatmuscle will grow.
And in turn your team will thank you for not constantlychecking up on them and will welcome the space to do their job!
If you need more guidance in this delicate dance of accountability,please reach out anytime!
Don’t let a dysfunctional work environment or dysfunctional team hold your company back. Take our free team assessment or schedule a time to meet!